NEMO and Creative Museum Event
7 – 9 September 2017
Riga, Latvia
Museum as a catalyst for creativity and growth, a key factor in larger regeneration plan?
Museums have been playing central role in regeneration game of the cities latest since Bilbao effect.
This NEMO event will look at how capital investments in museums in Riga contribute to economy and social cohesion of the capital city of Latvia.
Focusing specifically on museums and creative industries, it will offer a platform to discuss what works, what hinders cooperation both locally and at European scale.
See full programme here.
Day 1, 7th September
Venue: Latvian National Museum of Art
13:00 – 18:00
NEMO Executive Meeting
Day 2, 8th September
10:00 – 12:00
Venue: Riga Motor Museum
Riga Motor Museum: from concept to realization
- Introduction
- Architect’s perspective
- Designer’s perspective
- Museum’s perspective
- Creative community’s perspective
12:00 – 13:00
Lunch at museum café
14:00 – 17:00
Venue: Latvian National Museum of Art
NEMO Working Group meetings:
- WG Museums and Creative Industries
17:00 – 18:00
Venue: Latvian National Museum of Art: from concept to realization
- Architect’s perspective
- Museum’s perspective
- Exhibition Designer's perspective
18:00 – 19:30
Panel discussion Museums and Creative Industries
- Sandis Voldiņš, State Secretary, Ministry of Culture of Latvia
- Siebe Weide, Director of the Netherlands Museum Association
- Chris Bailey, Museum Consultant, Former Director of the Northern Ireland Museums Council
Moderator: Raivis Sīmansons, Think Tank Creative Museum
Presentation of the upcoming Art Centre Zuzeum. Reception at the lobby of Great Exhibition Hall at the Latvian National Museum of Art
DAY 3, 9th September
10:00 – 12:00
Venue: Žanis Lipke Memorial, Kenneth Hudson prize winner 2014
- Concept of the Memorial
- Museum as Part of Regeneration Plan
12:00 -13:30
13:30 – 16:00
Venue: Latvian National Museum of History, under reconstruction
- Concept of the Museum: Architect’s perspective
Join us!
Free for NEMO members. Please contact NEMO Office for details
Limited number of places for non-NEMO members available at a price of 50 euro. Please contact the organizers.
Ineta Zelča Sīmansone
Director, Think Tank Creative Museum
T: + 371 28819796
Think Tank Creative Museum in cooperation with Network of European Museums Organization (NEMO)
Strategic Partner
Ministry of Culture, Latvia
ICOM Latvia
Art Centre Zuzeum
Latvian National Museum of Art
Latvian National Museum of History
Where to stay
What to see
Latvian National Museum of Art
Exhibition Book in Latvia at the Latvian National Library
Where to eat
Restaurant at Latvian National Museum of Art